Why Do I Toss and Turn All Night?

None of us have a perfect night’s sleep every night. But why do some of us toss and turn nearly every night?

The Eight Sleep app uses data from the sensors in the Sleep Tracker to tell you how much you toss and turn each night. Combined with the Eight Sleep Pod, you will also be able to measure additional factors that could be affecting your sleep cycle. If you toss and turn for a minute, it is recorded. Anything under a minute is not recorded because it does not significantly impact sleep. In the span of a week, the average person tosses and turns 37 to 40 times each night. 


If you find yourself constantly moving during the night or experiencing sleep issues, alcohol or evening coffee may be the cause. Alcohol and caffeine before bedtime can lead to insomnia or restless sleep. Another possibility is that your bedroom is too warm or there is too much light in it.

Pain can also make it difficult to enjoy good sleep, so if you’re experiencing chronic pain in any part of your body, it may be the reason you’re tossing and turning so much.

Other possible culprits? Restless leg syndrome or sleeping on your stomach. Stomach sleeping can lead to neck and back pain that causes tossing and turning.

Everyday worrying can also lead to feeling restless at night. However, tossing and turning could be the result of something more serious, like sleep apnea or depression. Consult your doctor if you have serious concerns.

If you sleep with a partner who also experiences a lot of movement at night, both of your tossing and turning can lead to interrupted sleep and not enough time spent in deep sleep. You can wake up feeling like you didn’t sleep at all. With the Pod, you have the ability to set different features on each side of the bed, to help you sleep better individually (and, as a result, together).


Start with these easy fixes if you’re not sure of the reason for your restless sleep.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine after early afternoon.
  • Monitor the temperature of your bed and bedroom. The Eight Sleep app allows you to view this information. Adjust the temperature until you find you’re sleeping better.
  • Invest in thick blinds or wear a sleep mask.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach or put a pillow under your stomach.
  • Write your daily worries down in a journal before you fall asleep.

If your sleepless nights are the result of pain, talk to your doctor, who may prescribe medication to reduce your pain.

If you’re one of the 15% of Americans with Restless Leg Syndrome, these symptoms normally occur while you are resting, sitting, or sleeping — and most often at  night. Massaging your legs before bed and alternating between warm and cold packs on your legs can help improve sleep. 

Remember, if you can’t sleep, it’s better to get out of bed and do  a relaxing activity, rather than lying awake for hours. But if you’re using your Eight Sleep app and following the above tips, there’s a good chance you’ll be snoozing like a pro.

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